The Solar Eclipse took place in Pushyami Star owned by Saturn in Cancer Sign, which is the third sign of Indian Independence Chart.
According to Varahamihira, If Sun and Moon are eclipsed, there would be danger to autumnal crops as well as to the Ruler of the Country. If the eclipse is total and the eclipsed orbit is aspected by malefic, there would be severe shortage of food and pestilence (Any epidemic disease with a high death rate) all over the country. Eclipses have most effects in those countries where they are visible.
Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Ketu are placed in Cancer and aspected by Rahu. Afflicted Mercury in the 3rd house causes lung trouble, throat ailment, intestine affliction, mental derangement, brain disease for the people.
Cerebral Malaria- A brain Disease
Malaria is one of the most serious of all tropical parasitic diseases. A severe and life-threatening form of which in humans is cerebral malaria, caused by plasmodium falciparum. This species causes chills, persistent high fever, headache, orthostatic hypotension etc.
It is an intense disease of the brain, causing ring-like lesions in the brain, accompanied by fever. Brain disorder is the segregation of cerebral capillaries and venules with parasitized red blood cells (PRBCs) and non-parasitized red blood cells (NPRBCs).
Since cerebral malaria gets fatal within a few days of infection, immediate treatment is necessary. The natural immunity to this disease is not very clear but it can be artificially controlled by preventive strategies like anti-malarial chemotherapy and adjunctive measures.
Cerebral malaria is a severe disease and fatal in many cases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it affects nearly 300-500 million people every year, causing over one million deaths, hence having a very high mortality ratio compared to other forms of malaria.
Team visits region hit by cerebral malaria
Munger (Bihar): A 4-member panel of experts from the Centre arrived here on Friday after a vast region here was hit by cerebral malaria, claiming 25 lives and affecting more than 1,500 others, District Malaria Officer B. Sahu said.
“Out of serum samples of more than 1450 people tested in laboratories here, 565 turned out to be positive,” Mr. Sahu said.
A four-member team led by Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry Joint Director, Dr. S. N. Sharma, arrived here to assess reasons that led to the outbreak of the epidemic and to assist in providing medical care to the affected people, he said. The worst affected are 92 villages of the Haveli Kharagpur sub- division.
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