Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Horoscope Reading of Thekkady Reservoir Accident

45 tourists on board a double-decker boat owned and operated by the KTDC were killed when the boat drowned in one of the deepest zones of the Thekkady reservoir in Kerala around 5 p.m. on Wednesday, 30th September 2009.
In Kerala States’ chart [Date of Birth: 1st November 1956, Time: 12.00 am. IST. LONG 76E14 LAT 9N58], Ascendant is Cancer. Solar eclipse took place in Cancer sign on July 22nd 2009. The chart for the moment of eclipse for Kerala indicates that the eclipse falls in the 12th house resulting great tragedies and misery to the ruler, the Govt. and the people.
In India’s Independence chart, eclipse took place in the 3rd house. Third house denotes traffic in general by land, water and air and all matters connected with the field. The Solar eclipse in 3rdhouse will affect all kinds of traffic and will lead to accidents. All means of communication is also come under 3rd house. Please note that there was a communication problem and was no range for mobile phones at the time of incident. The placement of Uranus in the 8th house in the solar eclipse chart for Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, denotes accidents to transport vehicles. Sudden accidents in all vehicular traffic, rail, air and water transports create sudden deaths. Cancer is a watery sign and it signifies canals, lakes, dam, rivers, sea, boat manufactures, swimming pools, river banks etc. Cancer is a water sign, so travel over water will be very dangerous.
Ketu’s presence in the 12th house denotes sudden mishaps or events and accidents. Under Moon’s affliction, unrest and disturbances in navigation connected with water may occur. Afflicted Mercury in 12th house denotes accidents in transport vehicles and all means of communications like phone, radio, TV, prove inadequate and inefficient in their respective functions. Sun’s affliction in the 12th house denotes many unseen and unexpected troubles may afflict the Govt.
As per the accident time, Aquarius ascendant and its Lord Saturn is placed in the 8th house and conjucted with 7th lord Sun. Saturn is weak here and only at 2 degree 34 seconds. Drowning accidents are shown by the weak lord of the ascendant with Sun. 4th lord Venus is placed in the 7th house and conjucted with 8th lord and placed in an inimical sign. 4th lord Venus is afflicted by Rahu, Ketu and Jupiter in Ashtamsa [D8]. Sudden and unexpected troubles can be analysed from ashtamsa. In Rudramsa[D11], for death and destruction, 4th lord Venus is afflicted by Moon and Mercury. 6th lord Moon, afflicted by Rahu, is placed in Taurus aspected by Saturn from Scorpio.
Falling in to rivers is indicated by the combinations of lords of ascendant and 4th bhava in the 4th house aspected by lord of the 10th house. In Rudramsa, 6th lord Moon is placed in the 4th house aspected by ascendant lord Saturn from a watery sign and 4th lord Mars is aspected by the 10th lord Mars. We convey our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Medical Astrology

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS/PCOD) is a disorder that can affect a woman's menstrual cycle, ability to have children and hormones etc. The cause of PCOS/PCOD is unknown; insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity are all strongly correlated with PCOS.

The common symptoms are related to lack of ovulation, hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance include irregular or absent menstrual periods, obesity, especially around the waist and abdomen, acne and hair growth and is a leading cause of infertility.

In PCOS, due to the hormone imbalance, slightly more androgens (male sex hormones) are produced and this may stop ovulating and lead to several types of pregnancy problems including infertility, repeat miscarriages,diabetes, blood pressure and sleeping problems etc.
Medical Astrologer’s View:
Native is suffering from PCOS and not able to conceive till now. DOB: 28th Nov.1981, TOB - 9.38 AM, LAT 28N38 LONG 77E12.
Libra sign denotes inflammation of the Uterus and Scorpio denotes trouble in the womb and ovaries. 7th house in a female chart signifies uterus and ovaries. Moon denotes diseases of the uterus .Venus denote disease of the ovaries. Venus affliction or Moon Square Mars can bring ovary complaints or trouble. Afflicted Sun or Moon in Scorpio will create ovarian disease.  Hormonal problems due to Ovary hormones are ruled by Moon.

For a Sagittarius ascendant Mars and Sun are benefics. Venus, Saturn and Mercury are evil and Jupiter and the Moon are neutrals. Moon is severely afflicted in Rasi [D1], Drekkana [D3], Shashtamsa [D6], and Dwadasamsa [D12]. Mars square Moon. Moon is also aspected by Saturn. 6th lord is placed in lagna will bring various disease to the native. 5th lord Mars is placed in the 9th house in Leo but 9th lord Sun is placed in the 12th house.  Affliction to Moon and Mars in a female astrology chart create disturbance in menstrual cycles.

Venus is to be considered for the disease of the ovaries. Venus, a malefic here, placed in ascendant and closely conjucted with ketu and aspected by Rahu from Gemini and both are placed in Uttarshada star ruled by Sun. But sun is placed in Anuradha star ruled by Saturn, and Anuradha represents Suppression of menses and poor bleeding. Libra sign is hemmed in between malefics. Mercury is severely afflicted here by the placement of Rahu in Gemini and Saturn in Virgo.  Moon is in its debilitated sign with Sun and aspected by Saturn, placed in Jyeshta star ruled by Mercury and became very weak.

Mars is also severely afflicted in the astrology chart. Jupiter too afflicted here. 7th lord Mercury is with malefic planets and placed in 12th house and aspected by Saturn from Virgo and Mars from Leo. 7th house is afflicted here by the placement of Rahu and aspected by malefic Saturn from Virgo. 7th lord is severely afflicted. Scorpio sign is too afflicted by the placement of malefics.

In Shashtamsa [D6] chart, Venus is debilitated and conjucted with Rahu, Ketu and Mars and aspected by Saturn and Moon. Moon is conjucted with Saturn and aspected by Mars, Rahu, Ketu and debilitated Venus. Venus rules iodine, Copper, Sodium etc and an afflicted Venus may cause iodine deficiency and may lead to obesity and sluggish metabolism.

All the houses and planets ruling Uterus and Ovaries are severely afflicted and all the planets are under the influence of Kaala Sarpa Yoga cause the disease of the ovaries.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Crohn’s Disease- A Medical Astrology Examination

Crohn’s disease is an ongoing disorder that causes inflammation of the digestive tract or GI tract. Crohn’s disease can affect any area of the GI tract, from the mouth to the anus and mostly affects the lower part of the small intestine. Crohn's disease is an autoimmune disease and classified as a type of inflammatory bowel disease.

It primarily causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting or weight loss but may also cause complications such as skin rashes, arthritis and inflammation of the eye. The symptoms of Crohn’s disease are similar to other intestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis.

A Medical Astrology Examination:

DOB: 2/10/1966, TOB: 11.57 PM LAT 0 W 25 LONG 51N53, Suffering from Crohn’s disease since the age of 17.

Afflicted Aries and Virgo signs create abdominal problems. In stars, last quarter of Punarvasu and Pushya create abdominal troubles. Uttra and Hastha stars control the intestines. Sun controls stomach pain, intestine troubles, diarrhea and other stomach problems. Sun is placed in Hastha star. Ascendant is placed in last quarter of Punarvasu star. A malefic Jupiter is placed in Pushya star.

In this chart 5th house from ascendant Gemini is occupied by ketu and Mercury and the lord of 5th house Venus, debilitated and conjucted with Sun and hemmed in between malefic Mars and Sun creates stomach ailments. Here Aries and Virgo signs are afflicted by the placement of malefic. Rahu is placed in Aries and Saturn aspects Virgo sign from Pisces. Sun in Virgo creates ailments connected with digestive systems. Saturn aspects the Virgo sign causes pain in the intestines or colon.

Affliction of Leo and Virgo signs, 5th and 6th houses and their lords results in ulcer in the intestines. Lord of 11th in the 3rd house creates abdominal colic pain. In Navamsa [D9] chart 5th house is afflicted by Moon, Rahu and aspected by Mars. In Drekkana [D3] 5th lord Venus from lagna is debilitated and aspected by Saturn and placed in 8th house.

In this chart Ascendant Gemini is at 29 degree 50 minutes and it can be considered as very weak. So we can analyse from Moon Ascendant Aries. Sun in the 6th house aspected by Saturn also creates stomach problems. For Aries lagna Saturn, Mercury and Venus are malefic. Ketu posited in 7th house create stomach problems. Moon is hemmed in between malefic Saturn and Rahu, connected with 12th house creates stomach disorders. Mercury with malefic Ketu aspected by Rahu will produce Gas in stomach. Venus associated with a malefic Sun will create diarrhea.

Sun conjucted with Venus and malefic Ketu or Mercury in the 7th house can produce dysentery. Rahu’s placement in ascendant can produce disease of appetite. Sun is the significator for bowels and Ketu causes all pains. Leo sign and 5th house are to be considered for analyzing bowels. The star Bharani rules the bile and Rahu and Moon are placed in Bharani star and people born under this star and afflicted in horoscope are liable to suffer from Bilious complaint. Moon‘s placement in Aries and hemmed in between malefic can create diseases of bile. Here Sun is afflicted by Mars and aspected by Saturn creates the problem.

In Bhava chart Mercury is placed along with Sun in Virgo. Venus is placed in Leo aspected by Saturn. Mars is placed in Cancer. Jupiter is placed in the ascendant Jupiter. As per bhava Chart, Mars in Cancer can cause stomach ache. Afflicted Mercury in Virgo can cause diarrhea. Saturn produces all diseases from bad and irregular eating. Fifth lord Venus is aspected by Saturn. Venus is the significator for digestion and affliction to Venus and afflicted 5th houses and planets can create this problem. Moon denotes diarrhea and vomiting, its affliction, affliction of 6th house and its lord, Virgo sign and significator sun create diarrhea and vomiting.

To conclude, in this chart, Aries, Leo, Virgo and Libra signs, 1st house, 5th house, 6th house, 7th house all are severely afflicted from ascendant Gemini and Moon sign Aries. Many factors are present in this chart to give rise to Bilious complaints and Crohn’s disease.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Solar Eclipse and Famine

The Solar Eclipse took place in Pushyami[Pooyam] Star owned by Saturn in Cancer Sign, which is the third sign of Indian Independence Chart.

According to Varahamihira, If Sun and Moon are eclipsed, there would be danger to autumnal crops as well as to the Ruler of the Country. If the eclipse is total and the eclipsed orbit is aspected by malefic, there would be severe shortage of food and pestilence (Any epidemic disease with a high death rate) all over the country. Eclipses have most effects in those countries where they are visible.

Cancer first decanate denotes disturbs in air and causes great changes and alterations in the weather and second decanate denotes dries up rivers and fountains and stirs up in consistency and wantonness , Prostitution increases among women. Normally the effects of eclipses are spread over long years in proportion to the duration of the eclipse.

141 districts drought-hit

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday said there was drought in 141 districts in the country and that people must be prepared for a further rise in the prices of essential commodities as there was a shortfall of six million hectares in the area under paddy crop this kharif owing to deficient southwest monsoon. This is the first time that the government has admitted to drought, price rise and specific shortfall in kharif sowing operations.

"In no case, should we allow citizens to go hungry." Cautioning that the reduced production of Kharif crop in the current year may have an inflationary impact on prices of food items in the coming months, Singh said the Centre and states will have to work together and activise the public distribution system (PDS).

It is feared that the shortfall in sowing may have a far-reaching implication for farm economy and overall GDP growth.

Bihar Govt declares 26 districts as drought-hit

The Bihar Government has declared 26 districts in the state as drought-hit. The districts declared drought-hit include Siwan, Bhojpur, Gaya, Nalanda, Jehanabad, Rohtas and Tehmur.

Earlier, the Maharashtra Government had declared drought-like situation in 129 tehsils in the State.

Similarly, the Jharkhand Government had declared the entire State as drought-hit.

Twenty-seven more districts in Uttar Pradesh were also declared drought-hit. The total number of draught-hit districts in Uttar Pradesh has reached 47.

Drought threat in 161 districts: Pranab

Food production in the current fiscal is likely to go down as sowing will be 20 per cent lower due to the weak monsoon, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said on Tuesday.

Also, 161 districts have been declared drought-prone, he added.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Solar Eclipse and Cerebral Malaria

The Solar Eclipse took place in Pushyami Star owned by Saturn in Cancer Sign, which is the third sign of Indian Independence Chart.

According to Varahamihira, If Sun and Moon are eclipsed, there would be danger to autumnal crops as well as to the Ruler of the Country. If the eclipse is total and the eclipsed orbit is aspected by malefic, there would be severe shortage of food and pestilence (Any epidemic disease with a high death rate) all over the country. Eclipses have most effects in those countries where they are visible.

Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Ketu are placed in Cancer and aspected by Rahu. Afflicted Mercury in the 3rd house causes lung trouble, throat ailment, intestine affliction, mental derangement, brain disease for the people.

Cerebral Malaria- A brain Disease

Malaria is one of the most serious of all tropical parasitic diseases. A severe and life-threatening form of which in humans is cerebral malaria, caused by plasmodium falciparum. This species causes chills, persistent high fever, headache, orthostatic hypotension etc.

It is an intense disease of the brain, causing ring-like lesions in the brain, accompanied by fever. Brain disorder is the segregation of cerebral capillaries and venules with parasitized red blood cells (PRBCs) and non-parasitized red blood cells (NPRBCs).

Since cerebral malaria gets fatal within a few days of infection, immediate treatment is necessary. The natural immunity to this disease is not very clear but it can be artificially controlled by preventive strategies like anti-malarial chemotherapy and adjunctive measures.

Cerebral malaria is a severe disease and fatal in many cases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it affects nearly 300-500 million people every year, causing over one million deaths, hence having a very high mortality ratio compared to other forms of malaria.

Team visits region hit by cerebral malaria

Munger (Bihar): A 4-member panel of experts from the Centre arrived here on Friday after a vast region here was hit by cerebral malaria, claiming 25 lives and affecting more than 1,500 others, District Malaria Officer B. Sahu said.

“Out of serum samples of more than 1450 people tested in laboratories here, 565 turned out to be positive,” Mr. Sahu said.

A four-member team led by Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry Joint Director, Dr. S. N. Sharma, arrived here to assess reasons that led to the outbreak of the epidemic and to assist in providing medical care to the affected people, he said. The worst affected are 92 villages of the Haveli Kharagpur sub- division.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Swine flu and the Solar Eclipse

A Total Solar Eclipse took place in India on July 22, 2009 around 6.25 am IST. The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century cut through India and China as it travelled half the Globe. In India, People sneaked through the narrow lanes of Varanasi and gathered for a dip in the Ganga. It lasted up to a maximum of 6.39 minutes over the Pacific Ocean. The Dark shadow of the Moon made its landfall in Gujarat at 6.30 am and in Varanasi around 6.25 am.

This Eclipse took place in Pushyami Star owned by Saturn in Cancer Sign, which is the third sign of Indian Independence Chart. As per Astrology the eclipse at sun-rise is not good and it is going to affect a few cities in India. Sun, Moon and Mercury are also placed in Pushyami Star.

According to Varahamihira, If Sun and Moon are eclipsed, there would be danger to autumnal crops as well as to the Ruler of the Country. If the eclipse is total and the eclipsed orbit is aspected by malefic, there would be severe shortage of food and pestilence (Any epidemic disease with a high death rate) all over the country.
Eclipses have most effects in those countries where they are visible. An eclipse in Cancer denotes Sedition, diseases, epidemics, great change in weather leading to drying up of rivers. Mercury conjoins with eclipsed sun and moon, denotes the rulers, young people and the educated persons come to grief.

The Eclipse took place in Pushyami star and the Pushyami denotes diseases relating to lungs, stomach including ulcers, cancer, jaundice and dyspepsia. People will suffer from lung trouble, throat ailment, intestine affliction, mental derangement, brain disease, due to the affliction of Mercury in third house.

Swine flu (swine influenza) is a respiratory disease caused by viruses (influenza viruses) that infect the respiratory tract of pigs and result in nasal secretions, a barking-like cough, decreased appetite, and listless behavior. Swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection is defined as a person with an acute respiratory illness. Mild respiratory illness without fever and occasional severe disease also has been reported in USA.

Swine flu is an infection caused by a virus. A virus that has not previously been identified .The virus is contagious and can spread from human to human. Symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.

There are antiviral medicines you can take to prevent or treat swine flu. There is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu.

Swine flu patients in serious condition in Pune.

Two men, including a doctor, suffering from swine flu have been admitted in a serious condition, taking the total number of cases in the city Pune, one of the worst-hit by the virus, to 120.

With 22 new cases of A (H1N1) influenza reported in the country in the last 24 hours, the total number has gone up to 596. The fresh cases were reported from Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Pune, Mangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Jamshedpur, Chennai, Gurdaspur and Hoshiarpur. Of the five cases in Delhi, four contracted the disease from persons who were affected earlier, while the fifth person had travelled abroad.

Following the country’s first H1N1-related death in Pune, several people in the city have been rushing to get themselves screened at the institute. On Thursday, panic in Pune had a cascading effect in the city and had affected the screening process.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Afflicted Venus in Gemini Creating Problems in India

NCP Disbands State Committe

NCP Kerala State president K.Muraleedharan stepped down from his post and recommended Party president Sarad Pawar to disband the Kerala state committee on 31st July.

Similar types of events happened in earlier too when Venus was in Gemini sign.

When Venus was in Gemini in 2001, Goa Congress(I) SPLITS, Prime minister AB Vajpayee threatens to resign,UP's Loktantrik Congress party splits.

In Assam AGP Supremeo PK Mahanta hands over charge after a scandal.

In 2002, UP BJP President Misra resigns, Political crisis in Maharashtra.

In 2004, 6 BJP MLAs of Haryana tender their resignation in protest, Jharkhand Mukti Morcha leader and Union Coal Minister Shibu Soren resigns.

Landslip cuts off 3 districts in Arunachal Pradesh

Three districts of Arunachal Pradesh, including the picturesque Tawang bordering China, were cut off due to landslip following torrential rain on Friday,31st July. Road communication to the three districts of Tawang, East and West Kameng districts was snapped as boulders fell on the road between Tenga and Bomdilla. Hundreds of trucks, loaded with essential supplies, and other vehicles remained stranded on the road.

Floods affect one lakh people in Bihar

The swollen Bagmati breached its embankment near Tajpur village in Sitamarhi district of north Bihar early today, affecting around one lakh people. Swirling waters gushed into eight panchayats under Runnisyedpur block through the 40-50 metre breach.


NCP president Sharad Pawar, while expelling Muraleedharan, simultaneously dissolved the Kerala state committee.

Panakkad Shihab Thangal passes away

In Kerala,On 1st August 2009, Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) President Panakkad Muhammadali Shihab Thangal passed away . A central figure in Kerala politics for the last three decades.

In Gujarat, Veteran Congressman Devendra Nath Dwivedi, a former Supreme Court lawyer, who also served as the additional solicitor general of India, was appointed Governor of Gujarat on July 18. However, even before he could take over, he developed liver complications and died. He was a member of the party think-tank and close confidant of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Affliction to Venus and Placement in Gemini sign shakes the foundation of whole political system bringing far reaching changes in India.

Death of Jawaharlal Nehru was happened, during the period of Venus affliction and placement in Gemini , on 27th May 1964.

In 1969, July , Indian National Congress splits, during the era of Indira Gandhi, Jagjivan Ram became the president.

The Assassination of Indira Gandhi was happened in Oct 1984 when Venus was severely afflicted.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Whenever Venus is afflicted and its entry in Gemini sign always created problems in India. Right from the Independence.

Venus is the Lagna Lord of the Indian Independence Chart.

Just NOW Venus has entered in Gemini and will be there till 22nd Aug 2009.

Malefic Mars(12th and 7th lord) is placed in Taurus and another malefic Jupiter(8th and 11th lord) aspects Venus from Aquarius. So Venus is afflicted here.

There may be trouble to Government, State Goverment or some serious changes will take place in India.

As I predicted earlier today(28th July 2009) Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah submitted his resignation from the cabinet.

Whenever Venus in Gemini and afflicted, See the changes stated below.

In 2004 , 8 Bihar ministers submitted their resignation.

Govt. dismissed 4 governors.

North eastern region suffered heavily from floods.

Flood affected more than 5 million people in north east region.

In 2003 TN Govt dissmisses 2222 striking Govt. Employees.

In 2008 BSP WITH DREW support to UPA GOVT.

PDP with drew support to J&K Govt. and a lot more....

Similar types of events can be happened now too!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Higher Aspect in Life and Career.

This blog is dedicated to the followers of Vedic astrology. Here I will try to explain what I have experienced in these years with respect to astrology.
Here I am publishing a Question and Answer from one of my ASTRO Community.


My DOB - 22 June 1979, Married man, Time 16.40pm, Place: 74E30 26N06

I’ m very depressed, Please guide my soul . What is my life Motto? What about Higher Aspect in my Life and Career.


Since you know about astrology I don’t have to explain it in detail. The Moon is the best benefic for Scorpio Lagna. Jupiter and Sun are also benefics. Mercury and Venus are evil. Mars and Saturn are neutral.

Moon governs the mind intellect and affliction to Moon cause mental excitement or depression.

Mercury controls the entire nervous system and has domain over the brain nerves. Saturn or Rahu afflicts Moon or Mercury, the native may get to mental depression. Gemini is the sign of reasoning and Cancer is the sign of emotions and severe afflictions will cause depression.

Moon and Venus placed in Rohini star owned by Moon. Moon is also placed in Taurus and conjucted with Venus. Saturn is placed in Venus star Poorva phalguni. So Venus will influence these planets and will create depression for you. Mercury is placed in punarvasu star owned by Jupiter.

In Bhava chart Mercury is placed along with Jupiter in Cancer and Venus is placed in Gemini with Sun.Sun is placed in Gemini in Arudra star owned by Rahu.

Moon and Mercury are afflicted in the chart and in divisional charts creates the depression.

Moon Mars Venus combination in the 7th house is not favourable. Sun Mercury combination in 8th house is also not favourable. 10th lord sun is placed in the 8th house. So you will have many breaks in career.

Sun Mercury(Sun+11th lord) combination in 8th house can give monetary benefits all of a sudden through speculation. Exalted Jupiter in the 9th in rasi is favourable but afflicted in divisional charts.

Saturn Rahu combination is also not favourable and it will create all types of problems.

But exalted Jupiter in Cancer will take care of you. Jupiter Dasa will be fruitful.
Your life will progress from the age of 33 years and wait for big surprise.
Yoga will help reduce stress, create a peaceful state of mind, and promote a positive outlook on life, which is a great weapon for fighting depression.

Visit this link for useful help


REPLY: Gr8! Thanks sir from my heart, Can u suggest some remedies sir?