Sunday, October 25, 2009

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Medical Astrology

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS/PCOD) is a disorder that can affect a woman's menstrual cycle, ability to have children and hormones etc. The cause of PCOS/PCOD is unknown; insulin resistance, diabetes, and obesity are all strongly correlated with PCOS.

The common symptoms are related to lack of ovulation, hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance include irregular or absent menstrual periods, obesity, especially around the waist and abdomen, acne and hair growth and is a leading cause of infertility.

In PCOS, due to the hormone imbalance, slightly more androgens (male sex hormones) are produced and this may stop ovulating and lead to several types of pregnancy problems including infertility, repeat miscarriages,diabetes, blood pressure and sleeping problems etc.
Medical Astrologer’s View:
Native is suffering from PCOS and not able to conceive till now. DOB: 28th Nov.1981, TOB - 9.38 AM, LAT 28N38 LONG 77E12.
Libra sign denotes inflammation of the Uterus and Scorpio denotes trouble in the womb and ovaries. 7th house in a female chart signifies uterus and ovaries. Moon denotes diseases of the uterus .Venus denote disease of the ovaries. Venus affliction or Moon Square Mars can bring ovary complaints or trouble. Afflicted Sun or Moon in Scorpio will create ovarian disease.  Hormonal problems due to Ovary hormones are ruled by Moon.

For a Sagittarius ascendant Mars and Sun are benefics. Venus, Saturn and Mercury are evil and Jupiter and the Moon are neutrals. Moon is severely afflicted in Rasi [D1], Drekkana [D3], Shashtamsa [D6], and Dwadasamsa [D12]. Mars square Moon. Moon is also aspected by Saturn. 6th lord is placed in lagna will bring various disease to the native. 5th lord Mars is placed in the 9th house in Leo but 9th lord Sun is placed in the 12th house.  Affliction to Moon and Mars in a female astrology chart create disturbance in menstrual cycles.

Venus is to be considered for the disease of the ovaries. Venus, a malefic here, placed in ascendant and closely conjucted with ketu and aspected by Rahu from Gemini and both are placed in Uttarshada star ruled by Sun. But sun is placed in Anuradha star ruled by Saturn, and Anuradha represents Suppression of menses and poor bleeding. Libra sign is hemmed in between malefics. Mercury is severely afflicted here by the placement of Rahu in Gemini and Saturn in Virgo.  Moon is in its debilitated sign with Sun and aspected by Saturn, placed in Jyeshta star ruled by Mercury and became very weak.

Mars is also severely afflicted in the astrology chart. Jupiter too afflicted here. 7th lord Mercury is with malefic planets and placed in 12th house and aspected by Saturn from Virgo and Mars from Leo. 7th house is afflicted here by the placement of Rahu and aspected by malefic Saturn from Virgo. 7th lord is severely afflicted. Scorpio sign is too afflicted by the placement of malefics.

In Shashtamsa [D6] chart, Venus is debilitated and conjucted with Rahu, Ketu and Mars and aspected by Saturn and Moon. Moon is conjucted with Saturn and aspected by Mars, Rahu, Ketu and debilitated Venus. Venus rules iodine, Copper, Sodium etc and an afflicted Venus may cause iodine deficiency and may lead to obesity and sluggish metabolism.

All the houses and planets ruling Uterus and Ovaries are severely afflicted and all the planets are under the influence of Kaala Sarpa Yoga cause the disease of the ovaries.

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